Health benefits of preserved fruitsCurrently, preserved fruits are a very nutritious alternative option to incorporate into your daily diet. In addition, they offer important advantages to professionals, such as a longer shelf life and the fact that they can enjoy some out-of-season fruits at any time of the year.

In this post we are going to discover the nutritional value of these foods, the main reasons to consume them, how to choose and prepare them properly, and why they are a healthy option to include in any dish or dessert. Stay with us if you want to discover all the health benefits of preserved fruits.

Health benefits of canned fruits

Here are some of the main health benefits of preserved fruits:

  • Beneficial nutrients

    Preserved fruits have a high content of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C, B vitamins, potassium and magnesium. They are also an excellent source of Omega 3 and other essential nutrients. In addition, they also have high levels of fiber in certain canned fruits compared to fresh fruit.

  • Nutrient retention

    Although it may seem otherwise, the preservation process can conserve the nutritional content of fruits, since fruits are cooked and can result in a higher concentration of certain nutrients. For example, the heating process increases the levels of antioxidants that are essential to combat free radicals in our body.

  • Vitamins all year round

    Canned fruits allow us to enjoy a wide variety of fruits out of season, ensuring a constant supply of vitamins and minerals. For example, vitamins C and A are very important for the immune system and skin health and are retained during the canning process of fruits. This means we can benefit from these essential vitamins all year round.

  • Fiber for digestion

    Dietary fiber is a key component for healthy digestion and preserved fruits are an important source of this nutrient. During the manufacturing process, the fiber present in fruits is not significantly degraded, which helps maintain intestinal health and regulate blood sugar.

  • Stable antioxidants

    Antioxidants are known for their ability to protect our cells. Fruits contain stable levels of antioxidants, since they are protected during the manufacturing process. This does not occur in fresh fruits due to exposure to air and light.

  • Low in calories and fat

    For those watching their diet, preserved fruits can be a lower-calorie option compared to fresh fruit, especially if you choose the no-added-sugar option. Additionally, canned fruits have virtually zero fat content, making them a healthy addition to any diet.

Advantages of preserved fruits for professionals

These are some of the most important advantages that preserved fruits offer for professionals:

Long shelf life and storage

Preserved fruits can be kept in good condition from one to five years; everything will depend on the type of fruit. Even after the stated expiration date, canned fruits can remain suitable for consumption if stored properly in a dry, cool, dark place.

This long conservation period allows the professional to maintain an organized and well-used pantry. The cans are easily stackable, which optimizes storage space. Additionally, by not requiring refrigeration, preserved fruits can be stored without relying on electrical supplies, making them a great option for creating a stockpile of ingredients that won’t spoil in the event of a power outage or during extended absences.

Fruit availability throughout the year

Another very important advantage of preserved fruits for professionals is the availability throughout the year, regardless of the season. Thanks to modern preservation methods, companies can offer a wide variety of preserved or freeze-dried fruits at any time of the year, thus satisfying the demand of professionals and consumers at all times.

Saving time and effort

Preserved fruits also offer great convenience and time savings in the preparation of dishes and desserts, because they are already ready to consume or incorporate into recipes. This eliminates tedious tasks such as washing, peeling and cutting fresh fruit. With preserved fruits, professionals can create delicious and nutritious recipes quickly and without effort in preparation.

Preserved fruits of the highest quality

As we have seen, the health benefits of fruits are very important, in addition to providing professionals with many advantages throughout the year.

Chefs and pastry chefs always choose suppliers of canned fruits of the highest quality, with a wide variety of products that perfectly adapt to their demands. In Lazaya Preserved Fruits, we have been providing the best preserved fruits to professionals for more than 80 years and we continue to innovate to offer products of the highest quality and with a wide catalog available. Do not hesitate to contact us for any questions or queries, we will be happy to help you.