Tag Archives: glace fruit

Win millennial generation’s heart with candied fruits in your desserts, ice creams and snacks

Original and artisan recipes with candied fruits attracts new young public segments.Candied fruits elaborations can be the perfect option to win Millennial generation over, always eager to have new gastronomic experiences to share in their social media. Ice creams, desserts and snacks, in general, are currently seducing them through sight, and especially, through their smartphone screens. Attractive, garish, colourful, appealing… For all this, if you adapt part of the elaborations in your menu, confectionery catalogue or dessert menu to the taste of the new generation that shares everything, you will have a very powerful business case.
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Stages of the production of candied fruits: the harvest season

The production of candied fruit requires little mature fruit for processing.The production of candied fruits for your pastries, ice creams or confectionery products implies a previous hard work in our plantations in Épila (Aragón).  We already told you how natural pollination with bumblebees was carried out. Today we are going to reveal how we live the harvest in our double role of fruit growers and manufacturers of candied fruits…

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6 curiosities about candied fruits you did not even suspect

These 6 curiosities about candied fruits have surprised us, and they will also call you attention. Some of them, like the calorie count for glace cherries, may even serve you as a sales argument. Candied cherries are not as loaded with kilocalories as it may seem and even have a healthy substance that resists processing …
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Stages of the production of candied fruits: the natural pollination

The production of candied fruits involves different stages, the first ones taking place, as expected, in the natural environment: sowing, pruning, pollination, harvest… We are going to tell you how (and when) natural pollination of the fruit trees is carried out. It is one of the most fascinating stages for those of us who love natural environment, so we want to explain here to encourage our customers to trust in the quality of our products.

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