Many professionals buy wholesale cherries in syrup to prepare their dishes, as it is a very versatile ingredient that can be used both in savory dishes, as well as in sauces, jams or as an ingredient in numerous desserts, especially pies, cakes and chocolates.
The format of cherries in syrup allows pastry chefs to have a seasonal product such as cherries, beyond their harvest months (between May and July). In this way, they can be used at any time of the year, and the customer can taste cherries in all kinds of dishes while keeping their properties and quality intact.
Cherries in syrup, what must be taken into account?
Fruit in syrup has been used for centuries in the kitchen for its ability to preserve fruit in perfect conditions for many months, thus allowing some types of fruit to be eaten out of season. Syrup is a combination of water and sugar that is cooked until it forms a mixture whose consistency will depend on the temperature and the cooking time.
If the temperature ranges between 18º and 38º we will have different types of syrup, at 39º we will obtain candied fruit and at 40º we reach the brittle temperature, where the syrup begins to caramelize.
The two basic rules for fruit in syrup are that the fruit is at the optimum point of ripeness, and to carefully measure the amount of sugar used.
Foods in syrup arose from the need to preserve them for a long period of time in order to consume them in periods of scarcity. In addition, the syrup helps prevent the loss of nutrients from the fruit and does not need a refrigerator, since they are perfectly preserved at room temperature for three or four months and, with sterilization, even longer, making them an ideal product to always have at hand in a hotel or restaurant kitchen.
The main requirements for a fruit to be preserved in syrup are:
- That it has an intermediate state of maturity.
- It has to have the right shape and size.
- It has to be hard enough to remain firm after cooking.
- It requires a necessary acidity point, since fruits that are too sweet, are not optimal for the syrup.
The most commonly used fruits in syrup are cherries, oranges, apples, peaches, pineapples, strawberries, blackberries or kiwis. In the case of cherries in syrup, they are very versatile, both for desserts and for savory dishes, where they provide a touch of flavor and color that always surprises diners.
Why are wholesale cherries in syrup preferred by pastry chefs?
One of the main reasons why cherries in syrup are always present in the kitchen of a good chef or pastry professional is because of their intense color, hence their almost obligatory presence in the decoration of cakes, ice creams, buns or cocktails.
But, in addition to its unmistakable red, we must not forget its sweet flavor with an acid touch and its texture, which combines perfectly with other fruits such as bananas, kiwis, strawberries or oranges and with ingredients that are widely used in confectionery such as chocolate, cream or vanilla. For all these reasons, cherries in syrup are always present in numerous classic desserts, such as Cherry Tart, Black Forest Tart, Cheesecake or Cherry Mousse, to give just a few examples, but also in the most current cuisine and in exclusive elaborations of the most renowned chefs and pastry chefs: fruit salads, cakes, ice creams, tarts, cocktails, etc.
In savory dishes, cherries in syrup are used to create sauces that counteract the intense flavors of meat and fish. In addition, they are also widely used in hotel and restaurant buffets and breakfasts, as an accompaniment to yogurts, ice creams and pastries.
Professionals from HORECA prefer wholesale cherries in syrup and what they want is to find a supplier that has high-quality cherries and a multitude of formats and packaging to choose the one that suits them best. For this reason, they only work with leading brands in the canned fruit market, with a long history and experience to adapt to their demands.
At Lazaya we mainly work with cherries harvested from our own plantations, something that professionals appreciate. Apart from the excellent quality of the cherries, they also appreciate the fact that they can choose cherries in syrup with different sizes, brix, with or without stones, with or without stems, whole or in half and other formats that are available on request.
If you are looking for the best wholesale cherries in syrup, contact us and tell us what you need. We always want to contribute to the preparation of dishes and desserts of the best quality.